Spring & Summer Bible Study

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April 24, 2024    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


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Meeting ID: 860 4125 9075 | Passcode: 346573

We begin this sermon and study series with post-resurrection stories — stories that characterize the attitudes and behaviors of Yeshua’s disciples after the “resurrection” event. Scholarly arguments about whether or not the resurrection event was physical (i.e. the resuscitation of a corpse) or mystical (i.e., supernatural or spiritual) abound. Generally, literalist argue in the direction of an actual resuscitation of a corpse while mystics claim that the resurrection event is more the dawning of a new and transformative God consciousness in the lives of those who believe. This sermon series is not designed to resolve this centuries’ long debate. As you listen to sermons and engage in Wednesday night bible studies however, you are liable to see and hear the tension between these two theological extremes.

It is important to know, and to keep in mind the biblical record. The apostle Paul, was the first historically, to write about Yeshua, claimed to have seen and heard from the resurrected messiah on the Damascus Road and possessed none the stories about Yeshua told by Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. What is more, those walking with Paul on the Damascus Road did not see what he saw or hear what he heard. Mark, the first to write a gospel 10-15 years after Paul, has the resurrected Yeshua appearing to no one while Matthew has him appearing to women at the tomb. Luke says Yeshua appeared to Cleophas in the village of Emmaus and John says he appeared to Mary Magdalene alone. These discrepancies are important yet none of them really explain what the resurrection is or how it actually happened.

By and large, the Christian church in America has decided to read the resurrection narratives literally despite the discrepancies briefly outlined above. This sermon series will not end the debate but will, rather, offer yet another way to read them. We will ask, “don’t these stories of resurrection have ancient Kemetic antecedents?” And if so, why are we not considering what those antecedents are and how they impact the contemporary telling of the story?

These post-resurrection stories lead into the stories of Pentecost. Pentecost comes 50 days after Resurrection Sunday and focuses on the dawning of the Holy Spirit in the lives and imaginations of the followers of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach (Jesus the Christ). The the promise of the in-filling with the Holy Spirit was given to the followers of Yeshua before his resurrection and fulfilled 50 days after his resurrection. Pentecost is followed by Ordinary Time and is the longest season in the liturgical calendar.

At First African Church the liturgical seasons are informed by the Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles) of Kwanzaa and “holy days” in the historic rhythms of the Black Church (i.e., Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Juneteenth & etc. See the image below). Ordinary Time is dubbed “Multi-dimensional Sanctification” and various social, political, economic, and spiritual matters are addressed in preaching as together, we consider the sacredness of all aspects of our social life in light of the resurrection event.

The biblical texts for this sermon and study series are drawn principally from the Revised Common Lectionary produced by the Department of Religion at Vanderbilt University. It serves as an opportunity for our community to reflect upon the meaning of resurrection for African communities that remain in a life and death struggle for for true self-determination.

Wednesday, May 1

Biblical Text: Acts 10:44-48

Wednesday, May 8

Biblical Text: Acts 1:1-11 (14)

Wednesday, May 15

Biblical Text: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 or Matthew 3:1-3

Wednesday, May 22

Biblical Text: Acts 2:1-21

Wednesday, May 29

Biblical Text: Mark 2:23; 3:6

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